Take the right step and remember that you are going to make a long-term investment with an impact on the health for your entire body.
In this case, you do not choose a single doctor for the health and beauty of your smile, but a complex and extremely well-trained team that coordinates the whole treatment. Moreover, we use revolutionary digital technologies to treat you properly. All of these facts are reflected in our rates.
Dental services
The total All-on-x rehabilitation is a technique based on the insertion of 4-6 or 8 implants in specific locations to enable a prosthetic work to restore the functions of dental-maxillary apparatus.
Veneers are those prosthetic treatments that cover only the outer, visible part of the tooth. The veneers shall be used either to improve the aesthetic look of a tooth or to protect its outer surface.
The dental crown is a prosthetic treatment covering a blunt or a tooth with a high degree of coronary destruction, being able to save it both aesthetically and functionally.
The dental implant is the artificial replacement of a dental root. When the tooth is removed and there is nothing left in the bone, the only way to replace that lost tooth, as naturally as possible, is to insert a dental implant.
To treat dental caries, the procedure for the direct restoration of a tooth with composite materials is most often used. This workmanship requires the removal of the caries and both the esthetical and functional restoration of the tooth
The endodontic treatment is a series of procedures designed to remove the inflamed or infected tissue, to disinfect all the endodontic space and to obtain the obturation of root canals, so that its bacteria and microorganisms have no space to develop.
The Prophylaxis procedure involves sanitary measures that prevent the onset and spread of dental diseases.
The functional-aesthetic restoration of the teeth directly targets the people who want a more beautiful smile, due to the correction of the shape and color of the teeth, occlusion.
“Doctor Romaniuc Dentistry” offers complex, cutting-edge surgical treatments with no discomfort. During our dental surgeons, our specialists use top techniques and equipment to guarantee the success of any intervention.
“Doctor Romaniuc Dentistry” offers dental orthopedic treatments, which aim at restoring the teeth by fixed works, as well as by movable works.
Correct dental occlusion is achieved when all teeth contact correctly between each other in both static and dynamic positions.
Orthodontic treatment targets both children and adults. The basis for a correct orthodontic treatment is a complex and thorough orthodontic diagnosis, with which an individual treatment plan is made for every single patient.
Radiological investigations are very important and useful for the dentist. A correct and complete diagnosis can only be made after viewing the radiographs.
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