about us

“Doctor Romaniuc Dentistry – a dream come true!”

“Doctor Romaniuc Dentistry” is a project that has been harmoniously developed with the help of motivated people working in the clinic. The team’s history has Mr. Dumitru Romaniuc as its foundation – a doctor in medical sciences, a professional dentist, with more than 8 years of experience and an affinity for his patients.

Author of 30 scientific papers in the field of medical sciences, co-author of 3 invention patents, qualified with a gold medal at the International Invention Exhibition in Brussels (2015) and with a silver medal in Geneva (2016). Winner of the Municipal prize for youth in the field of literature, art, science, technology and civic activism, 2019 edition, medical section. Dr. Romanciuc always wanted to practice his profession in a pleasant, clean, well-equipped office, in a place we ourselves would like to come in as patients.

Inside the dentistry, we are a team of young professionals, willing to discover new knowledge; a team that is constantly informed about new procedures in current medicine. In the same way, it is very important for us to care for our fellows. Our clinic is oriented towards the function of the stomatognate system in correlation with aesthetics and not the opposite, because the dental-neuromuscular balance, comfort and convenience are, for us, the main values to take into account. In our clinic patients have a pleasant experience in a warm and friendly ambience. They entrust us their health and we are very thankful for this trust, trying to exceed their expectations!

Find out more about us by visiting our website and, why not, by visiting us at our clinic, where you are always welcome!


We are waiting for you, in our clinic, without prejudice and we are always ready to work with you in order to get the perfect smile that will complete your image and restore your self-confidence.

patient reviews

Recomand cu mare incredere aceasta clinica. Am facut mult proceduri la ei, cu 3 doctori. Doctorul Romaniuc personal a avut grija ca sa am dinti frumosi si sanatosi. Am avut nevoie de extragerea maselelor de minte, toate 4, si nu erau simple de scos. Chirurgul a lucrat cu mine pentru ca eram presata de timp, vroiam sa evitam complicatiile, dar si sa facem totul repede. Totul a decurs perfect, tot personalul e extrem de amabil si prietenos. Am avut si de pus plombe, si am beneficiat de oferta in luna iunie la igienizare si albire. Sunt foarte fericita de rezultat! Recomand!

Ana-Maria Hajiyev CovalciucPacient

Profesioniști și foarte amabili! Îi recomand cu drag și încredere!!!
Nu m-am așteptat ca a doua zi după extracția molarului care mi-a dat bătăi de cap timp de aproximativ 2 ani, să fiu telefonata pentru a fi întrebată dacă e totul bine, vă mulțumesc pentru sfaturi și răbdare!
P.S. Și apropo, nu că e totul bine, e totul perfect ?

Cristina Stavenschi-GavrilasPacient

O echipa de profesionisti!
De cand pasesti in cabinet esti intampinat cu un zambet cald al domnisoarelor de la receptie, care imediat te fac sa uiti de "teama" de stomatolog.
Doamnul Doctor Romanciuc este un profesionist adevarat care explica pas cu pas procedurile pe care urmeaza sa le efectueze. Locatie excelenta si aparatura de ultima generatie! Recomand 100 %.

Cristina IgPacient